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Issue 1, Volume 1: - Austerity and Recovery

We are rightfully pleased to publish this first Issue of the Maldives Economy Today, on the theme of ‘Austerity and Recovery’. As will always be our objective, we offer here a collection of 7 separate articles on the larger theme of Austerity and Recovery, from different perspectives. 

Ahmed Saruvash Adam’s  ‘Securing the Future: Navigating Fiscal Challenges in the Maldives’ speaks on how challenges were faced in past recovery efforts, and possible routes to secure the future. Ali Khalid’s ‘Austerity Measures and Economic Reform: The Path Forward for the Maldives’ speaks of some of the necessary aspects that need to be overcome for successful fiscal reform. 

Ali Hashim’s ‘Specter of Inflation’ focuses on the early signs of the impact of inflation and how important it is to ensure that the effects of inflation does not overcome the economy. Ahmed Mohamed’s article ‘Beyond Austerity: Navigating High Debt and Fiscal Sustainability in the Maldives’ focuses on the dangers of accumulated debt and the road that led us there. 

And a joint effort by Ahmed Mohamed and Ibrahim Shakoor extends the explanation for the ratings downgrades and submits the way forward to recover the confidence of the rating agencies

Ibrahim Athif Shakoor submits 2 articles; ‘Will what happen to Sri Lanka, happen in the Maldives?’ detailing his reason why Maldives will not go down the same path and his article titled ‘How did we get here?’ is an examination of the path we had taken that had led us towards rocky shores. 

We would like to thank all contributors for their submissions and in advance thank the readers and commentators for their readership and commentary that will offer us the opportunity to compile Issue 2 in a manner more responsive to our readers. 

Thank You


Maldives Economy Today | Issue 1 Vol. 1 | Austerity & Recovery

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